Yeah …. that stumble early on, doesn’t have Schroder’s elite speed staying in front. But also he is stronger and a little taller and will be better in other aspects. He should overall be better on offense by virtue of better passer and probably, hopefully, a better shooter from 3 on tougher shots and maybe equal on generating his own offense.
Still really excited that we got Vincent. I have the feeling he will become a fan favorite after only a few weeks of play. Miami fans were heartbroken that the left.
Watched it, he seems a bit shy. Definitely well-raised, knows how to talk and says the right things. Didn't really let JJ get in too much. Looks like a good teammate to have in our team. He's not a leader but a very reliable follower and you need guys like that
…. I don’t know. Seriously where’s the fire in his workout? Russ would have pounded his chest and mean mugged the dude with the foam bat after hitting a shot over him. Gotta love that competitive attitude.
boredom of offseason disclaimer: i'm most worried about this signing out of all of them. i don't like miami's history of exporting players, and i think schroder was a good fit personality and role-wise with the group we have. add in that it's a 3-year contract, and i'm antsy. be happy to eat crow and can see the argument that he's a better theoretical fit than schroder was. and we don't know what was said between management and schroder's agent. still...