LakersBall Lakers Fan Forum

by DjBelvedere at 4:12 PM
(1,247 Views / 0 Likes)

I just came across that debate. And I also read that rumor somewhere but I can't find the link. This seems to be whispers around the team but what do you guys think about that?

I can see Jim and possibly Mitch getting fired if the stink up another offseason. But selling the team? Would you be open to a new owner? I like the team staying within the buss family but maybe Jeanie needs to pick up more of the control on the basketball side. But if there is some (possible) friction within the family for the foreseeable future maybe a new owner could rejuvenate the whole organization. As long as the Lakers stay in LA (I guess that's never gonna be a question) I'm open to that idea. Maybe get some former Lakers involved (Kobe?!) - I'm just throwing around ideas but would be interesting to hear what you guys think.
by LTLakerFan at 8:13 AM
(4,393 Views / 0 Likes)
I just replied "Basketball reasons" to another accurate assessment we are now in full tank mode and makes the only sense left to do with Kobe's torn rotator cuff. The term to this day reminds of the irreparable harm done to the Lakers' future by David Stern.

But if Shaq vs Kobe was drama and strife and a media circus with brilliant manager of egos, Phil Jackson at the helm, how would Paul, Howard, Kobe still his dominant self and Mike Brown to manage that locker room have played out? Not to mention his X's and O's and "All Day Every Day" coaching style.

We all assumed Dwight was coming with Paul here. If not by trade right away, as a free agent that summer. He wanted to play with Paul. I think he would have done the same things in the locker room, especially feeling himself and CP3 to be the Lakers future and Kobe being in the way as the entrenched alpha dog. Popcorn time and not fun with Brown who couldn't even handle young LBJ. He gets fired, then what? Maybe PJ for...
by ShowTime_IR at 5:35 AM
(1,432 Views / 0 Likes)
I think he is near all star level this season. Has bright future, and i think he is a better deal than dragic and rondo.
by Weezy at 1:06 PM
(3,347 Views / 1 Likes)
by LaVarBallsDad at 9:46 AM
(1,410 Views / 0 Likes)
Ben Rosales retweeted
Steve Kyler @stevekylerNBA · 57m 57 minutes ago
The Lakers again according to Forbes leads the NBA in revenue at $293m, Knicks $278m, Nets $212m, Bulls $201m, Heat $188m

Ben Rosales retweeted
Steve Kyler @stevekylerNBA · 54m 54 minutes ago
Best income according to Forbes - Lakers clearing $104.1m, Bulls $65.3m, C Bags $54.9m, Knicks $53.4m, Warriors $44.9m, Spurs $40.9m

No surprise.